Time’s Flying into Excel Release 1.2024.9

New Features

Excel – Finally!! 🤓

FetchXML Builder is now integrated with Excel – not by copy/pasting, not by exporting to CSV files, not needing to store any file and open in Excel – it is truly integrated to give you the easiest way to drill down in the data, to save the data, to share the data! Am I proud? Oh yes.

Excel will also include a sheet containing the environment from which it was retrieved and the actual query behind it.

Curious about the code? I assume… Go look here!

The first request was created by @shytikov in May 2016, more than eight years ago, in Issue #132..@jdenicola-pa had a similar request in Issue #801. I didn’t use ClosedXML to implement. Instead, I am using library Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel. Do you have any opinion on which to use? Let me know!

Update logic without a new release

There is now a configuration file stored online, which means I can update the configs to improve the features without releasing a new version of the tool. That’s huge!
So far, it just contains one small feature to hide all entities and attributes that are deprecated, which depends on your local language. I have added in English and Swedish. Can you help me improve for other languages…?




Time Flies… ⌚

From my perspective, this release has taken a long time… five months since the last version! Why is that?


One reason is that I’ve been working more than before, focusing more on my customers, and when I’ve stopped working, I’m tired… Boring? Oh yes. But we should be smart. Don’t work too hard – otherwise, you are just asking for The Wall and running into it hardly. Don’t do that. Okay?


Another big thing I’ve been working on is introducing the possibility of officially supporting my tools. It is a gentle thingy… How can I give you that, so it’s done easily for you, but not pushing on it too much? This is a Balance thing.
I surely know that people may be crazy about it. That’s why I can, online-wise, make it happen more seldom, changing the random times it will appear, and I can even just remove it completely.


The Creator and Developer is still Jonas Rapp, since 2014. See me on GitHub, X (Twitter), LinkedIn.

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Just give me some coffee…