Some Brand New Features – and more! 1.2022.4

Brand New Features

Issue #683
Open / Copy feature
Use Metadata Cache – available from XrmToolBox version 1.2022.4.55
  • Using a new feature in XrmToolBox open records in select browser and profile.
    This feature is awesome – if you are working with many environments, or if you have one browser to just browse, and another browser to work in it – and many more use cases!
Set a specified browser and profile for each connection – available from XrmToolBox version 1.2022.4.55

A bunch of Improvements

Bug fixes


  • Moving a lot of code from FetchXMLBuilder.cs to new partial class in FXBGui, FXBInterfaces, FXBMetadata and FXBQueries – a bit easier to find the code…
    See commit 1 and commit 2.

Hear me out!

…do not check this – if you have to, you’re doing something wrong… πŸ˜‰

Ok, it is quite possible to check it and use it, but please never use this in your code πŸ™ – be smart!


The main developer is still Jonas Rapp since 2014. See Jonas on GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn.