The A-Bunch-of-Fixes March release 1.2022.3

Error Info is now officially feature of XrmToolBox

Features even better:

Metadata issues for old versions

As I create new features now and then, and the feature retrieves more metadata properties of entities and attributes. Sometimes this does not always work for older versions of the database (CRM/365/CDS…).

I don’t have all old versions to test – even only the Latest & Greatest online – so I start to look in the docs, and if it is even there, it takes a crazy long time to see it… So I asked on Twitter. Got nothing back. But then our fellow in Albania Betim Beja started to find my problem, and he knows how to solve it. Two days later, the tool is published. A bit rough, but it works!

That saved me 🙏 – you should not get this error again!

A Bunch of Fixes and A Few Improvements


The main developer is still Jonas Rapp since 2014. See Jonas on GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn.